March 22, 2022
In celebration of National Agriculture Day, Gov. Tony Evers signed a bill into law Tuesday aimed at investing in the state’s dairy exports.
Evers signed Senate Bill 827 in Plymouth, his hometown, which allows the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection to work with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. The move will increase Wisconsin’s dairy, meat, crop and other exports by 25% by June 30, 2026.
It also allows DATCP to use over $883,000 on unused appropriations for a newly created agricultural exports program in order to promote dairy products. Evers said signing the legislation helps people worldwide experience and consume the dairy products that are so beloved in the state.
“We’re darn proud to be America’s Dairyland, and I’m glad to be celebrating National Agriculture Day right here in Plymouth–the Cheese Capital of the World–to sign bipartisan legislation to help continue supporting Wisconsin dairy,” said Gov. Evers. “Our dairy industry is not only core to our economy, but it’s core to who we are as a state.”
The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association Executive Director John Umhoefer praised Evers for signing the bill into law, which is now Act 207, as well as state leaders for their efforts.
“Our state’s dairy processors and farmers are excited to answer the global call for more of their high-quality, safe, and nutritious dairy products, and this program will offer the resources and support they need to reach consumers around the world,” Umhoefer said.
Evers first proposed the program during his 2020 State of the State address.