From his days as a science teacher to now as governor, Tony Evers has never stopped believing that what’s best for our kids is what’s best for our state. That’s why he has worked to make historic investments and support students, parents, and teachers across the state – improving Wisconsin schools to the 8th best in the nation after they ranked 18th just three years ago according to U.S. News and World Report.
When Gov. Evers took office, Wisconsin’s K-12 public schools had been drastically underfunded for years. He pushed for historic investments that improve quality and give Wisconsin’s kids every opportunity to get ahead. Now, for the first time in two decades, the state has fulfilled its funding commitment to public schools. Gov. Evers has also made sure that every student has the opportunity to achieve their dreams by signing the first increase in special education funding in a decade.
Under his leadership, Wisconsin also increased investments in higher education to give the University of Wisconsin System and Wisconsin’s technical colleges the resources they need. He’s also invested in job training programs to grow Wisconsin’s workforce and help fill jobs in every corner of the state.
When Wisconsinites have the opportunity to learn the skills they need for today’s jobs, our economy grows, and Wisconsin moves forward.
In addition to making education a top priority, Gov. Evers has invested in Wisconsin families and small businesses by providing historic tax relief. All together, the governor has delivered $4 billion in tax relief in his first term alone.
When he ran for governor in 2018, he promised to cut taxes for working families by 10 percent. Today, he’s exceeded that and most Wisconsinites are seeing a 15 percent income tax cut as a result. Combined with tax cuts for small businesses, Gov. Evers has authorized $4 billion in tax relief in his first term.
This tax relief means more money in Wisconsinites’ pockets, helping folks pay bills, put food on the table, and get ahead.
Gov. Evers also believes that Wisconsin is strongest when every community succeeds. No matter where you live you deserve the opportunity to realize your full potential, which is why it’s critical to connect communities across Wisconsin. That’s why he has worked to repair Wisconsin’s roads and bridges – under his watch over nearly 5,000 miles of highway and 1,250 bridges have been repaired. Today, hundreds of road projects are underway to continue improving infrastructure across the state.